Highland Pines Domestic Water Improvement District (HPDWID) is a stand-alone entity created to serve the water needs of our customers. Our Mission is to assure delivery of quality water that meets, or exceeds, all county, state, and federal requirements to every user within the Water District boundaries through superior service to our customers.
HPDWID is governed by an elected five-member Board of Directors who are property owners and/or registered voters within the boundaries of the District:
Board Member / Term Expiration / Email
Sandy McClintock, Acting Chair / 2026 / boardchair@hpdwid.com
Pat Ferguson, Member / 2028 / mrspatferguson@gmail.com
William Kiel, Member / 2026 / kk6bos@gmail.com
Kent Eaton, Member / 2028 / eatonk@gmail.com
Carlos Padilla, Member / 2028 / capadilla@msn.com
HPDWID was formed in 1984 as a stand-alone entity and is not affiliated with the Highland Pines Property Owners Association (HPPOA).
HPDWID is a special taxing district (commonly known as an improvement district) and was formed under Arizona Revised Statutes Title 48. The statute provides for property owners outside of municipalities to acquire or upgrade water and wastewater systems to improve their quality of life. Districts have the legal authority to distribute costs of improvements and operations among the properties that benefit. By agreement HPDWID purchases water from the City of Prescott. Terms and conditions of this agreement restrict the number of water connections. Any increases must be approved by City of Prescott and HPDWID.
The infrastructure needed to pump water two miles through the Prescott Nation Forest and deliver it to 365 water district customers includes three pump houses and two water tanks.
HPDWID currently utilizes Municipal Accounts & Consulting, LP for administrative and billing services, Fann Environmental LLC for water line operations and maintenance and Sunrise Engineering for engineering services.
For information on Yavapai County Domestic Water Improvement Districts:
Copyright © 2025 Highland Pines Domestic Water Improvement District - All Rights Reserved.